Tuesday, 26 December 2006

Made a list. Checked it twice.

I have indeed made a list of things. O, the things on the list! Many may be too out of date to be called "news", but certainly it's mostly interesting stuff. Not only does it have a few new things, but it has old things that I never posted and even a notation for the entry that disappeared.

Enjoy your Festivus.

Sunday, 17 December 2006

My first Flash.

I've only been trained in traditional 2D animation, so I'm very proud of making a(very simple) Flash animation.

This is the protagonist, Chuck Grimes from my 2005 student project "Pigeon Problems". He's actually quite out of character in this, he's hardly tranquil. Has a thing about cleaning windows: He likes to clean windows. Has another thing about pigeons: He doesn't like to clean pigeons. He doesn't like them at all.

I had never entirely finished the film. All the animation was done, but there's still at least 20 seconds of clean-up remaining. Recently I brought it out of storage to work on until my next work contract.

I put up a post a few days ago, but it seems to have vanished into the nethers of the internet instead of appearing on here, so I'll see if I can find it. Until then, a floating Grimes. :)

Monday, 11 December 2006

Tim Biskup

It'd been a few days since I had read through the Drawn website, and I found this neat link to an article by Mark Frauenfelder from BoingBoing.net: 7 Things You Should Know About Tim Biskup. It's a very good read, gives a lot of insight into Tim Biskup's work history, some of the people who have inspired him, and his sleeping habits.

His paintings have got to be seen to be believed. Find more about Tim Biskup here

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Tenacious D-Classico

This may be the funniest thing I've seen all year. From John Kricfalusi, and Tenacious D's movie "The Pick of Destiny", comes "Classico". It was released on October 30th. Be sure to go see the movie, buy the album. If we don't support the artists, we won't see gems like this. This vid does contain mature content so if you're easily offended, or a prude, I recommend you watch this anyway.

Monday, 4 December 2006

Dark Fury

The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury.

I've had this sitting around for a while, meaning to watch. I wish I had watched it sooner. Directed by Peter Chung (creator of the Aeon Flux animated series that a later movie was loosely based on, he also directed "Matriculated" for the "Animatrix" collection of short animated films set in the Matrix universe.), this is a made-for-DVD movie that takes place "Pitch Black" and provides the setup for it's sequel, "The Chronicles of Riddick".

The plot follows the characters of Riddick, Abu, and Jack (aka Kyra in CoR). Riddick and Co. are picked up by a mercenary ship run by the creepy art-loving noblewoman Antonia Chillingsworth and her numerous hirelings. The catch: her taste in art is death, and Riddick is the perfect artist. Riddick is forced to fight for her entertainment, and is forced to consider that he may be fighting for more than just his own survival.

The film is another example of Chung's directing talents and style. His characters are complicated and quirky, with a definate trend towards the surreal. Chillingsworth herself conjurs images harking back to AeonFlux, though so do the numerous minions coming to unfortunate, bloody ends. I quite enjoyed this, but I recommend using a screen that isn't burnt out as the images on screen are quite dark for the majority of the time.

Saturday, 2 December 2006

It's a start.

About time I set this up. My intention: To put up pictures and random interesting animation and geeky "things" I come across.

Let's wait and see what reality presents.